Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Help for I.T. Band problems

For months I've assumed that it was my left I.T. band that was the cause of my troubles.  But after reading the information on my new favorite website, The Running Advisor, I know it's my IT band that's at fault.

This amazing graphic they post on their website is the best representation of the I.T. band I've ever seen.
In the graphic it shows all the muscles and tissues that attach or are affected by the IT band.  My pain radiates to different locations on my upper leg, which is why, at times, I thought it might be a gluteal muscle or quadricep muscles problem.  Now I know that the IT band when it gets tight will pull on the gluteal or quad muscles.

With this newly confirmed knowledge I can reassess my game plan.  I've also talked to a friend of mine who does 100 milers.  He says that with IT band issues nothing but time will help it heal.

Looks like it'll be awhile before I can strap on my running shoes again.

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