Friday, August 26, 2011

Overcoming Fears

As silly as it sounds, I'm scared to ride a bike.

It all stems from never having a bike of my own, never riding a bike that is adjusted to fit me which means that I've had lots of bad, embarrassing falls from bikes.

Two years ago when my husband and I were looking at getting a bike we could share, I tried to take it for a test spin.  At that time I hadn't ridden a bike in over 20 years.  The fear must've been flaring in my eyes because my husband took one look at me and told me to get off the bike.

Once again I'm riding a bike that's not exactly adjusted for me; however, we did buy a shorter seat post and a wider, softer seat for me.

It's taken a lot of effort but I'm getting more comfortable with riding a bike.  I rather like the wind in my face and being able to fly past the walkers and runners.  I'm still not secure enough to ride too much on streets with too many cars though.  Fortunately, we have a dirt road that runs for miles along an irrigation canal.   For this reason I was able to go for my longest bike ride ever:
miles.  I still had a bit of pain and discomfort with my left leg, but it was nice to get outside for fresh air and sunshine.

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