Monday, August 15, 2011

Iliotibial Band Pain

Frustrated would be one description.  Ticked off another.  So would a few 4 letter words.  I hate my iliotibial band!

Last year, IT band issues damaged the cartlige in my right knee.  It took arthroscopic surgery to fix that problem.  I thought I'd be able to run pain free, and I was...for a few months.

This year I'm having issues with my IT band on my left leg, but up by my hip as opposed to my knee.  I've tried heat, ice, rest, stretches and rolling it out with a foam roller.  Nothing has worked so far.  It wasn't that big of an issue since I wasn't training for any specific races lately.  But I've been uping my mileage getting ready for an October marathon.  This past Friday I eeked out a 12 miler.  I felt like I was dragging my left leg behind me like Quasimodo.

Short of completely not running for a month or two, does anyone have any advice for how to get rid of IT band pain?

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