Wednesday, August 17, 2011


My I.T. band is still bothering me so I came up with a new plan.

Plan B is to ride my bike instead of running during the week, then go on my scheduled long runs on the weekends so I can still run my marathon this October.

This morning was my first bike ride since buying a new seat (or saddle) for the bike that my husband, son, and I share.  This new seat has lots more padding and is wider then the previous one so I was hoping to not have such a "hurtin' hind end" at the end of my ride.  Unfortunately, I was still a little sore, but I'm gonna keep trying.  When I first started running I was sore all over but if I'd have stopped running  I wouldn't be where I am today.

The true test of my plan B will be this weekend when I go on my long run.  Cross your fingers for me.

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