Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Pressures of Coaching

My dad is running his first half marathon in 3 1/2 weeks.  When we talk about the race on the phone I always ask how his training is going, then I'll give him some pointers.  He always responds "OK Coach."  At first that was fun to hear but now I'm feeling the pressures associated with coaching.

The longest run my dad has been on in the last month is 9 miles, then 2 months ago he ran 7 miles.  Almost all the other weeks his longest runs were 3-4 miles.  This is NOT the way to train for a half marathon!  To make matters worse he refuses to drink when he runs.  I'm already researching the signs and symptoms of dehydration, heat stroke, etc.

My parents live about 3 hours away from me.  They had to come into town for a funeral so I took advantage of the opportunity.  I took my dad on a 9 miler and carried Gatorade for him and forced him to drink every 3 miles.  He literally has to stop moving before he can swallow.  He's concerned about how that will effect his time in the race.  I have to remind him that if he doesn't drink he will be carried off in the ambulance.

Wish me luck in teaching an old dog new tricks.

1 comment:

  1. haha! ya he's old school. a drink before and after the race and thats it. maybe a Camelbak would help him?
