Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Foot Pain Relief for $4 or less

I've dropped a fair amount of money down at podiatrist's offices over the course of my running years.  Looking back I could've avoided spending most of that money (although the custom made orthotics were a lifesaver).

All I really needed was a pumice stone and an old golf ball.

After each run, I use the pumice stone on my blister/calluses prone areas of my feet.  About 45 seconds of pumicing the areas has proven very effective in keeping my calluses at bay.

After each long run I massage my feet using a golf ball I got at the second-hand sporting goods store.  I got mine for less than $1 but if you're a golfer you'll have plenty of old ones laying around.  Put the golf ball on the floor and spend a few minutes rolling the golf ball around using your foot.  It feels especially good massaging the arch area.  It not only feels good but it will loosen up those tight areas and help prevent injuries of the tendons and ligaments in the foot.

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