Saturday, July 2, 2011

Milestone Long Run

Motivation can come in many ways.  As a self-appointed half marathon coach to my dad I gave him instructions to run an 11 miler today.  I also counciled him to run in the cool of the early morning and to drink lots of fluids.  He did run 11 miles starting at 6 am but he never drank anything before or during his run.  At least he did 2 out of 3.

Since I'd coached him to run 11 which is 2 miles further than he'd ever run before I felt the pressure to join him in running the distance.  He lives 4 hours away from me but we both ran 11 miles during the same time period. 

I haven't run longer then 10 miles since I started having knee troubles in October 2010.  The only way I did it was to purposely run 5 1/2 miles away from my house thus having no options but to run the 5 1/2 back home.

It just goes to show that you can do anything if you have the right motivation.

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