Saturday, July 16, 2011

Coaching my Dad for a Half Marathon

The day for the Bryce Canyon Half Marathon has finally come.  I don't know who was more nervous: me or my dad.  Neither of us slept much last night.  He was worried that he wouldn't be able to run 13.1 miles, even though he'd had a 12.6 training run just 2 weeks ago.  I was worried that he wouldn't drink enough and I'd have to signal the ambulance. I was also nervous about him having to run the first 4 1/2 miles by himself.

When we dropped him off at the start line it was 5:40 am (20 minutes til starting gun) and it was 38 degrees.  I drove down to our meeting spot (miles 2 through 4 have severe downhill grades - I've run this race before and I didn't think that was wise for me to run down given my knee surgery history) at the water station near the Mossy Cave trailhead.  To ensure he and I both had enough to drink I wore my water belt with 2 bottles full of Gatorade. I met up with my dad 4.4 miles into the 13.1.  He was looking good - enjoying the downhill and the cool temperature.  He listens to books on tape while he runs so it wasn't very easy for me to ask if needed a drink.  Occasionally he'd pop out one earbud so I could ask him how he was doing.  I was really glad I brought my bottle of Gatorade.  It made it way more convenient for him to sip liquids and stay hydrated.

When we got to mile 11 I could tell he was on tap to a great finish time for his first half marathon.  We both quickened our pace just a smidge when we could see the turnoff to the finish line.  When we got to 13.0 I asked how much he had left in the tank.  He said "a little" so we took off.  I kept asking him how much he had left, he didn't answer he just ran faster.  We got down to a 7:39 pace once we passed my husband and daughter ringing a cowbell and cheering us on.

My 65 year old dad who has only been running for a year finished his first half marathon in 2:14:44!

Success for him and relief for me.  Makes me want to have someone pace me - I'm itching for a sub-2 hour half marathon time.

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