Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Beware of Mosquitos

With all the rain/snow we received this year the mosquitoes are rampant.  In this area we're fortunate to not usually have a mosquito problem but this year's crop is abundant and vicious.

My son and daughter have had some really bad reactions to their mosquito bites.  This is my son's arm after a visit to the doctor (who outlined the then red/swollen area with marker) and a day of antibiotic ointment.

My advice to all runners this year is to try not to be outside at dusk when these nasty critters are at their worst or at least wear long sleeves/pants or use bug repellant.  As the doctor warned us, mosquitos can carry several different diseases, one of which is West Nile Virus. 

Keep running but please be careful out there.

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