Friday, June 17, 2011

Hike to the G

Our local high school has a large "G" up on the mountain.  We can see the G from our backyard and not so long ago my 4 year old realized that that's the same letter that her name begins with.  Ever since then we call it Gabriella mountain.  So what better summer hike then to go to the G on the mountain.

As you can see from the elevation graph below, it's a steep hike (rising 900 feet in 3/4 of a mile).  Thank goodness the kids have been running the track this summer.  If they hadn't been in decent shape we'd have never made it.  There are sections that are so steep you have to grab onto bush branches to help pull yourself up (my achilles tendon sure didn't like these parts).

It took almost an hour but we made it!  Hopefully it gave the kids a sense of accomplishment - not to mention bragging rights.  As for me and my husband, we counted it as a great cross training workout.

1 comment:

  1. ya thats a steep hike! we took King up to the pg waterfall and were tired by the time we got down. you guys should go check it out. lot of water comin off of it.
