Friday, May 13, 2011

Prevent Sore Muscles after Race

Don't fall into the trap!  You've just finished running a race, grabbing yourself a new PR and you're on top of the world.  You grab some water and fruit then plop yourself down to bask in your glory.  Meanwhile the lactic acid in your legs is building and building.

I've done that exact scenario after all of my races except one.   Last September my husband and I ran in a local 5k.  The starting and finish lines were only 1/2 mile apart so we just parked at the start line.  After the race, in which we both set PRs, I set off walking to pick up the car.  After running so fast in the race, walking felt like a snail's pace so I started jogging.  The whole 1/2 mile was uphill and it was hard but it felt so therapeutic I didn't stop.  To this date that's the one and only time I didn't suffer from terrifically sore muscles.

Of course I forgot to take an easy jog after last Saturday's 10k and my legs are still a little tender because of it.  So whether you've just finished a 5k or a marathon reward yourself and take a light jog afterwards.  You'll thank yourself the next day!

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