Saturday, August 6, 2011

Reasons Why you should run trails

For the past month I've opted to run along the dirt road next to the miles long irrigation canal in our area. 

Here's 5 reasons why you should try trail running:
1. Lighter on feet: With dodging rocks and ruts you'll run more gingerly which will over time make your foot turnover faster which will then make your pace faster too

2. Alleviate some injuries: Two years ago I went to see the podiatrist about my sore left foot.  It turns out I'd irritated a ligament due to doing what I thought was right which is running against traffic.  But if you're always running on the left hand side of a crowned paved road then your lef will work harder as it tries to balance your body.  So running on unpaved, uncrowned dirt roads or trails will help prevent some injuries.  Not to mention the lesser impact your body and joints experience when you run on dirt.

3. Privacy if you need to potty:  Need I say any more on this subject?

4. Strengthen muscles:  Running surfaces in order of hardest to softest is as follows:
a) concrete   b) asphalt   c) dirt   d) grass   e) sand
The harder the surface the harder it is on your joints but the easier it is on your muscles in that it takes less energy to run on harder surfaces (ie concrete absorbs less energy so your pushoff if easier).  So by running on dirt will help strenghten your running muscles as it takes more effort to run on softer surfaces, especially your core muscles and foot/ankle muscles since your constantly trying to find the smoothest path. (Technically, grass and sand are softer but for my area the only large pieces of grass are school fields which are as exciting to run as laps around a track; and I live about 500 miles from any beach so sand isn't really an option for me).

5) Change of scenery: If you're tired of dodging cars and the irresponsible texting drivers then try the trails.

Running on somewhat maintained dirt roads probably won't warrant you needing to get trail running shoes, but if you're headed for "foresty" trails and paths, please run responsibly and get the proper footwear.

Happy trails to ya!

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