Friday, June 10, 2011

Prize for Perseverance

My Wednesday's run was terrible.  I had to peel myself out of bed that morning, then it took 45 minutes of slogging around the house before I threw myself outside for my run.  It was supposed to be a 3 mile tempo run.  After a mile of "heavy foot" syndrome I promised myself that if I did at least 2 miles at tempo pace then I could stop.  It worked.  I was tired for the rest of the day therefore I wasn't expecting too much for this morning's run.

I was greatly surprised though.  I was under some time constraints so my plan was for just an easy 7 miles.  As soon as I started I knew today was going to be much different than Wednesday.  This morning running was pure joy.  I felt like my feet had wings on them like Hermes.  In the end I ran an unintended progression run - each mile got at least 30 seconds faster than the previous mile - even the last mile which is mostly uphill.

The moral of the story is that if you have one bad running day don't give up, try and try again because you will be rewarded.

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