Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New Blog Design

I hope you enjoy the new blog header. In no way am I suggesting that I belong in the same cateogory as the running greats Jesse Owens and Steve Prefontaine. What I am trying to do is surround myself with greatness and these two runners have been my role models for years.

When I was about 10 years old and running the sprints in a local track club, I admired Jesse Owens for his speed and records broken.  As an adult I admire him for running in the Berlin Olympics right in front of Adolf Hitler.

As a 30-something who took up long-distance running, I admire Steve Prefontaine.  Through lots of hard work and gut-wrenching workouts he worked himself almost to the top.  The podium would've belonged to him if only he could've lived longer.

Both of these men started from scratch, and nothing but determination and hard work brought them success.  What great role models to surround yourself with to help make your goals more attainable.

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