Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cold Sore Prevention

Cold sores are nasty things.  In looking for an image for this post I found lots of really awful photos of cold sores.  I've been plagued with them since childhood.  Sun, wind, cold or illness brings out my cold sores and not just on my lips either, but around my nostrils too.  The latter of which embarrassed me so badly I'd stay home for 3-4 days.  But no more!

There is HOPE for all you fellow cold sore sufferers!

Ask your dentist or doctor for a prescription for acyclovir for cold sores.  I've taken one pill a day and haven't had a cold sore in over 8 years!  The best part is that my not having cold sore outbreaks has virtually eliminated my husband or children from being exposed to the nasty virus.


  1. Thanks for your post Angela, I think which you had mentioned it will works. I am suffering from that. I will start trying today.

    Martha Burns
    Treatment For Cold Sore

  2. I think your blog is good and informative. Thanks for sharing this information.

    cold sores remedies
