Friday, May 20, 2011

Runner vs Worms

Like most of the country we've experienced a lot of rain this week.  This led to 2 problems:
1) lack of desire to run in the rain
2) having to dodge lots and lots of worms

After watching an episode of PBSkids' "Wild Kratts", my son explained to me the reason earthworms come out when it rains.  The answer is simple: because they can.  The water makes it so easy for them to cover more ground at a faster pace since they don't have to chomp through all the dirt like they do underground.

However, I believe that the rain creates havoc for runners.  I really, really had to throw myself out the front door for this morning's run.  After a half mile I really, really wanted to turn around and come home.  One step led to another and after dodging hundreds of worms on the roads and hopping over dozens of puddles I eventually made it 4 miles away from the house.  This of course forced me to then run the 4 miles home.

So after slogging out 8 miles run in the rain I'd venture to say that water on the roads may make life easier for the worms, but it sure makes it rough for the runners.

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