Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pre-Run Warm Up

Sit ups and push ups have long been part of my exercise routine.  It's only been for the past month though that I've started doing them before I go running.  Since it was still cold in the morning I instantly realized that doing these 2 exercises warmed me up so I could actually not freeze before leaving the driveway.

Another discovery is that doing push ups and sit ups right before your run lets your body get ready for more intense exercise, hence it's the perfect warm-up routine.

Push ups are the ultimate total body exercise.  It involves everything from your toes to your neck.  In doing some research about push ups I've discovered a new program for push ups.  Right now I can do 25 consecutive push ups.  If I do 25 push ups then my situps I can then squeeze in another 10-15 push ups.  Starting today I'm going to start the one hundred push up challenge.

Join me in the challenge and we'll get fit together!

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